Lavender Simple Syrup Recipe

If you’ve had the opportunity to visit our café here at Long Row, you’ve likely tasted our delightful lavender simple syrup as it is a staple in many of our signature drinks! Patrons frequently ask if our lavender simple syrup is sold in our gift shop and unfortunately we must answer no or not yet. ;) For freshness, each week our simple syrup is made in house for our café. It is an incredibly versatile flavored sweetener and can be used in coffee, tea and to make our delicious lavender lemonade! We do not add a preservative to our syrup which shortens the shelf life and is the main reason for not bottling this good stuff. However, in lieu of adding a preservative, we enjoy sharing our recipe so that you can create the syrup at home. It truly is SO simple. Here’s how . . .


Ingredients: LRL’s Culinary Lavender, Sugar, & Water

The key to a successful batch of simple syrup is to always use equal parts of water and sugar. 

The ratio of sugar to water will be the exact same. 

Begin with 1 cup of granulated sugar and a large pot. 

Next, add 1 cup of water. 

Again, cups of sugar to water are equal, so if you’d prefer to make a bigger batch, make your measurements 2 cups each or 3 cups - you get the idea!

Next, Add 1 tbsp of LRL’s Culinary Lavender buds to the sugar water mixture. 

*For every cup of sugar water you will add 1 tbsp of lavender buds

Bring mixture to a boil in order to assimilate the sugar. Once sugar is fully dissolved, turn off heat. 

Next, let the ingredients steep for at least 30 minutes. 







After steeping the mixture, strain the buds. 

Pro Tip: In order to get a pure syrup, free of debris, use a cheesecloth! 





After straining, the syrup should be this lovely honey color! Once it is strained to your liking, package it in your vessel of choice.





Once completed, you can refrigerate your simple syrup for up to one week - ENJOY!


  • Posted by Mary Moylan on

    Your recipe doesn’t indicate what level of heat to use. Do you start by bringing everything to a boil and then reduce or turn off heat for steeping? Do you do all of this with the pot uncovered?
    Thank you.

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